What we do
Amateur Radio

The Library


Long before the age of the Internet, the club had a newsletter called “RAGCHEW”. In 2012, the late Brian Millard (M6BRI) resurrected this publication. He edited and published it until his untimely death in early 2016 when control passed to G4CIB.

Issues are available as pdf files for you to download.


Society newsletters from the 1980s

A number of scanned issues are available to view free of charge. (You had to pay for a copy in the 1980s)


We have photographs from a number of club events.


Certificates from RSGB Field Days.

G4CIB/P and G4RHK/P on Lundy

Most years, Brian (G4CIB) and Leta (G4RHK) make a trip to Lundy and they nearly always carry some Amateur Radio equipment with them.

Brian also documents both their preparations for the visit and their experiences of the actual visit, from both a radio and a non-radio perspective.

Mick and Smithy

A series of encounters between old hand Smithy and newcomer Mick, who has gone round to borrow the Antenna Analyser. It should be a quick visit but things are seldom straightforward.

Read as Smithy explains aerial impedance, reactance and SWR to Mick.

The Story of National Company Inc.

An illustrated presentation about this company that was so important to the development of radio.


From time to time, the club undertakes a simple club construction project. These have included direct conversion and software defined receivers, and a 2m aerial.

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Is available to download.

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