G4CIB and G4RHK on Lundy
A Flying Visit in 2013
Our annual visit to Lundy this year is a lot earlier than normal - we are on the island to celebrate the 50th birthday of one of our Lundy friends, Phil. As the regular supply ship, the Oldenburg does not commence the season until the beginning of April, we will be getting to the island on the helicopter which regularly operates during the winter months.
So the emphasis will definitely be lightweight as not only are we restricted with luggage, but the property we are staying in - Tibbetts, is not connected to the islands electricity generator. Ive recently purchased a briefcase style solar-power battery charger, and that combined with regular visits to the Marisco Tavern to charge a small sealed lead-acid battery should keep us powered up. The plan is to take my IC703 for HF & 6 metres, along with a 2m FM handheld to keep in touch with locals on the mainland.
The proposed operating schedule is as follows:-
(Assuming the weather on arrival permits antenna erection)
Friday 15th March - 16.00 - 17.00 - 80m (3.560 MHz) & 40m (7.030 MHz)
Then daily between 07.00 - 08.00 and 16.00 - 17.00 on 80m / 40m
Friday 22nd March 07.00 - 08.00 on 80m / 40m
Other operating times will no doubt occur if the weather confines us indoors!
If you would like a sked at the times above or at any other time, please contact me through the club web site e-mail address or collar me either at a club meeting or on the club net.
Brian (G4CIB) and Leta (G4RHK)
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or read what actually happened on Brian and Letas visit