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G4CIB and G4RHK on Lundy
May 2014

Our annual visit to Lundy will be taking place from Saturday 3rd May to Saturday 10th May and we are back in the property we have found over the years to be not only comfortable but entirely suited to radio operating, namely Stoneycroft.

When the Landmark Trust acquired the lease in 1970 from the National Trust to run the island, the Chairman of the Landmark Trust, John Smith, wrote an introductory message in the first edition of “The Illustrated Lundy News” . The message conveyed the idea that Lundy offered simplicity and tranquillity, and the motto should be “Lundy offers you nothing but itself”, that the island should have a life of its own which visitors can share, and that it should stand on its own feet with genuine jobs and livelihoods for the islanders. It was also stated that getting to Lundy should not be too easy, that it should be a bit of an adventure, to sort out a little those who try, and so that those who have been there are a little different to those who have not. It was recognised however, that the island must be kept supplied and visitors must not suffer needless inconvenience or disappointment. Their policy over landing on the island was not to make it easier but to reduce the number of occasions on which it was impossible. The building of the landing jetty in 2000 dramatically improved the landing situation but even now, an easterly wind can make things tricky for the crew of the supply ship “Oldenberg”.

Over the years this vision has been maintained so even today getting to Lundy is a bit of an adventure, and the island has retained a simplicity of life and tranquillity which is now so rare on the mainland. Our amateur radio operating from Lundy has in many ways followed these principles - low power using unobtrusive antennas seems to suit the environment we find ourselves in, also that the radio operating isn’t the be-all and end-all of being there, and hopefully our QSOs convey some of the atmosphere of this magical island.

So, what of Lundy 2014? Our little IC703 has proved to be an excellent rig for our needs, particularly with the built-in auto-AMU but for a change we will be taking an Icom IC7000, recently acquired second-hand. One advantage is that the rig covers 160 metres through to 70cms obviating the need to take separate VHF rigs along with the IC703. The down side is the need for an external AMU but as we will be running fairly modest power, this is quite compact.

Our chosen week looks to be an interesting one as there is plenty happening:

  • 3rd May RSGB 432MHz Trophy & May UHF 1400 - 1400 UTC
  • 5th May - Bank Holiday - GARES /P operating from Crickley Hill 1400 UTC onwards
  • 5th May - 80m Club Championship SSB 1900 - 2030 UTC
  • 6th May - RSGB 144MHz UKAC

This year I will have forms available at club meetings for any member requiring a sked - hopefully this will enable as many members - especially our newer members - to have a QSO with Lundy. If you are unable to come to our club meetings and require a sked, please use the “Contact Us” option on the G4AYM web site.

Leta and I look forward to having a QSO with you whilst on Lundy.

Brian (G4CIB) and Leta (G4RHK)

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