Vulcan Visit - 29th September 2012
The Easter monday visit had been cancelled due to the bad weather so this was the first visit in 2012.
Click on the thumbnail to get a full sized version in a new window
We know that it's not exactly Amateur Radio related but we couldn't resist these wonderful pictures of the last Vulcan bomber on its 60th anniversary tour, honouring the locations that played a part in its development and service.
Thanks to Andy (2E0CLZ) for taking these pictures as the Vulcan flew over Staverton Airport and the Dowty factory.
We also have photos from...
G4CIB and G6UGW go Severnside (again)
On the air from Crickley Hill in 2013
Inland Waterways on the Air 2013.
Club visit to Gloucestershire Airport
Club members visit a privately run Wireless Museum
GB4GC from Gloucester Cathedral
Visit to Bletchley Park - April 2012
Colossus - The Computer that helped crack Enigma
Amateur Radio in the Dark - Club Picnic 2012
Vulcan visit to Staverton Airport