What we do
Amateur Radio

Gloucester Amateur Radio & Electronics Society

Join us for:

  • Informal club meetings
  • Talks and lectures
  • Training and exams
  • On the air meetings and nets
  • DF Hunts
  • Construction competitions
  • Field days
  • Outdoor activities and picnics
  • Demonstration stations
  • Club activity contests
  • A well equipped club shack

If you missed our

Open Day

Why not come along to one of our club meetings (see below)
New faces always welcome


Monday 29th July 2024 from 7.30pm

Summer Raffle

at Down Hatherley Village Hall

Monday 5th August 2024 from 7pm

Club Picnic

at Saul Junction Car Park (by the Junction Lock)

More meetings...

On the air

Join our nets:

Monday on 145.475MHz. FM from 7.30pm
Tuesday on 145.550MHz. FM from 7.30pm and AM at 8pm
Wednesday at 7.30pm on 145.475MHz FM
Thursday at 7.30pm on 145.475MHz FM before QSYing to 80m SSB.
Friday (Contest & DX) at 3.30pm on 144.550MHz FM
Friday at 7.30pm on 432.220MHz SSB.

Plus informal meetings every day.

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Latest News

Friday Afternoon Contest and DX Net meets at 3.30pm on 145.550MHz to discuss recent and forthcoming contest involvement and rare DX contacts.

GARES win Practical Wireless 4 Metre Contest
For many years, GARES members have taken part in the Practical Wireless 4 Metre Contest, which is held in late September each year.
This year we have won the open category
Our team was Gary M0XAC, Les G0ULH, Martin G4ENZ, Arron M0HNH and James G8YYH, who operated from Crickley Hill
Full results are in the January 2024 edition of Practical Wireless

Ragchew, December 2023 issue now online. (pdf file). The June 2024 issue is already with club members!
Earlier issues can be read here

Our 100+ years celebration was enjoyable and successful. Report
More photos added

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