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Amateur Radio

Annual General Meeting and Equipment Sale

Our opening meeting of the 2024/25 season was, as usual, our Annual General Meeting but this year we combined it with an Equipment Sale.

The Following people were elected to the committee
Chairman: Gary M0XAC
Vice Chairman: Dave G4BCA
Treasurer: James G8YYH
Secretary: Rita M6RYL
Ordinary Committee Members:
     Mike G6OTP
     Anne 2E1GKY
     Brian G4CIB
     Cliff G8CQZ

It was reported that we have 88 members including 9 new members in the last year

The following awards were made at the AGM:
Morgan Key – Gary M0XAC for his continuous support for club activities.
Merit Shield – Dave G4BCA in recognition of his 7 years as club chairman.
DF Cup – Vernon G0HTO, Winner of 2024 DF Competition.
DF Shield – Dave G4BCA Runner-up in 2024 DF Competition.
Construction Competition:
     Kingscott shield and voucher for the Advanced section - Jim 2E0GKN, for his 10A variable power supply.
     Stan Cook shield for the Basic section- Vernon G0HTO for his vintage FM tuner and stereo decoder board.
A voucher was also presented to Brian G4CIB, in recognition of his years as RagChew editor.

An equipment sale took place after the AGM. This ranged from recievers and transceivers to simple plugs and components.

Waiting for the equipment sale.

Kingcott Cup to Jim 2E0GKN.

A voucher to Brian G4CIB

The Merit Shield to Dave G4BCA.

We also have photos from...

Before 2011
2011 to 2014
2015 to 2018
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