GARES Spring Challenge 2021 - Every Mode (160m to 70cm): Rules
These rules are also available in pdf format.
For Gloucester Amateur Radio & Electronics Society club members to work European stations on as many modes as you can manage. Harder and lesser used modes will earn more credit than easier and busier modes. To level the playing field for Foundation and Intermediate licensees more credit is given for contacts made at the 10W and 50W power levels. Entry is simple. Just send an email when you’ve have something to report.
Starting on Saturday 20th March and finishing Sunday 20th June 2021.
Bands, Exchanges and Modes
All modes are allowed and encouraged. All bands 160m - 70cms are allowed.
Contacts should involve, as a minimum, an exchange of reports. Contest contacts are not allowed.
Points will be given for contacts made with stations on the Worked All Europe (WAE) list (see scoring sheet) A country will count once per mode. The number of points earned idepends on the mode and the power used as per the schedule below.
- FTn contact = 1 point (FT8 or FT4 but not both)
- JTnn contact = 1 point (JT9 or JT65 but not both)
- CW contact = 2 points
- SSB contact = 3 points
- FM contact = 4 points
- AM contact = 4 points
- PSK contact = 5 points (PSK31 or PSK63 or PSK125 not points for each)
- RTTY contact = 5 points
- Every other mode = 8 points (Credit for main mode not each submode variant)
- Points for contacts made at 10W or below will be tripled
- Points for contacts made at 50W or below will be doubled
- It is permitted to work a WAE country again at a lower power level but only the lowest power level used will count for points.
Send entries to G4ENZ is administering this challenge.