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Amateur Radio

GARES Challenges: Rules

These challenges are club sponsored opportunities for members to gain experience in operating on different bands and with different modes. Although we will "keep score" the activity is not meant to be excessively competitive. It is more important that as many people as possible join in to gain experience, perhaps build new antennas and try new modes of operation. Most of all they should be fun!

Rules vary according to the challenge. Click on the closing date to see the rules for that particular challenge.

Closing DateBandPowerNotes
11 January 2025160-10 except 6010/100/>100Italy, Germany and Spain
28 Feb 2022Pick a band10/100/>100Triple points for Foundation
Double points Intermediate
20 June 2021Every Mode (160m-70cm)10/50/100All modes
9 January 2021HF (except 30/60m)10/100Data and CW/SSB/Data/Weak signal sections
4 July 20206m and 4m100WData and CW/SSB sections for each band.
25 Jan 2020HF (except 30m)10/100UK/EI Counties & Islands
29 June 20196m OR 4m100WLocator squares
26 Jan 2019HF except 30 & 60m10/100Continents
30 June 2018160 to 10m10/100CQ Zones
2m and 70cm25Counties and Islands
6 Jan 201880/40/30m10/100Europe
31 May 201730/17/12m100US & Canada
31 Jan 2017Any10/100 
30 June 201610/6m100 
31 Jan 201640/80m10 
31 July 20156mAny 
31 March 2015Any100/400Commonwealth and US States
31 May 2014AnyAnyData only
30 June 201317-6mAny 
28 Feb 2013160-20mAnyDistricts & Countries
31 July 201217/12m10/100WARC Bands
31 March 2012One Band10/AnyChoose your band
31 Aug 20116mAny 
30 May 2011160 - 10mAny 

Scores from previous contests.

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