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Amateur Radio

Annual Construction Contest

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On 3rd June 2019, we held our annual Construction Comptition. Entries included items built from commercial kits, items built from designs in magazines and books, and items designed from scratch. Although we call it a competition, it is all very friendly and is seen by many entrants as more of a display of home built items. Traditionally, we had two classes: simple and advanced. The decision on which class to enter was left to the entrant.

Paraset replica spy set by Jim (2E0GKN). Winner of the advanced section.

Barry (M0HFY) won the simple section with his 70cms hour glass loop aerial.

Other entries.

40m CW transceiver by Richard (M0HNK)

“Ford” Receiver by Ted (M0JCX)

WSPR transmitter by Mike (G6OTP)

160m transceiver by Tony (G4CMY)

Crystal calibrator by Graeme (G0EEA)

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