Photos: Gloucester Cathedral 2016
On 10th September 2016, Gloucester Amateur Radio and Electronics Society once again ran a station at Gloucester Cathedral as part of Churches and Chapels on the Air (ChOTA) and as part of Gloucester Heritage Day. This year was also special in that it was the 800th anniversary of the crowning of Henry III and a re-enactment took place.
We were priviledged to have the procession, marking the re-enactment, come right past our little gazebo. (See for more detail about the re-enactment.)
Click on the thumbnail to get a full sized version in a new window
Waiting for them to climb the tower
Alys on the Mic
Raking in the contacts
A very early start was had by all and it came with pouring rain! Our gazebo was opened but, with other things on our minds and gradually getting a soaking, we were a bit flummoxed on the gazebo frame assembly front. Fortunately one of our members arroved shortly afterwards and he sorted it out. Very soon all was ready for rigging parties to climb the tower and on to the nave roof to put our 132ft doublet about 200ft up amongst the clouds. Thanks to those who volunteered to climb about on the top of the cathedral to do this. We thought we were now ready to proceed but alas we had one more problem. Our usual 240v supply had been purloined by the Plantagenet Society who were setting up close by. A quick search by cathedral staff and a visit to local shops by Malcolm and Jim provided the necessary plugs and sockets to re-establish the supply and we were ready to go. The station in the gazebo consisted of a TS590S transceiver, Palstar antenna matching unit and computer logging courtesy of Gary M0XAC
Most contacts were made on the 40m band and conditions were quite good until about midday when the band changed. By then we had worked Brian and Leta on Lundy at 5 and 9 both ways, Dave M6DDT, and stations both local and further afield. Several club members, including Alys our youngest licenced member, had a go at operating the station and interest was shown by several passing members of the public In the end we made about 70 contacts over the short period and were very pleased by the way things went. We enjoyed a brilliant day which, as mentioned above, included the bonus of a re-enactment of the coronation of the young Henry III in Gloucester Cathedral eight hundred years ago. So all in all, we were very happy with everything and a big thank you to all, including the cathedral staff, who contributed to the success of the day. Same again next year?!
Alan G4MGW
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