Visit to Bletchley Park - 21st May 2017
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A group of GARES members with partners and friends recently visited Bletchley Park. It was a first visit for some and a repeat visit for others in the group.
Much has happened at Bletchley Park since the last GARES outing in 2013, not least in the the National Radio Centre (hosted by the RSGB) where volunteers were on hand to explain the station in operation.
In the part of Bletchley Park that covers the activities in the second world war, much emphasis is now given to the personal reminiscences of those who worked there, unburdened by the strict secrecy which was in force for many years after WW2.
Of the GARES group, I can do no better than quote a famous BBC reporter who once said of a bombing raid in the Falklands "I counted them all out and I counted them all back". As we boarded the coach to return home sadly we didn't quite count them all back and two members of the party were left behind. Luckily mobile phones saved the day and the coach did a quick about turn to pick up the forgotten ones!
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