Photos: 2016 Annual General Meeting
Presentation to Les and Rita
In recognition of the work done by Les (G0ULH) and Rita (M6RYL) over the past few years as
- Chairman and Secretary
- provider of training courses at all levels
- obtainer of the G2HX licence (which did not go smoothly)
the club made a presentation to them at the 2016 Annual General Meeting on 5th September 2016.
Other presentations
Dave (G4BCA) getting his Direction Finding certificate
We also have photos from...
Club Christmas Meal and Raffle
GB4GHF for Gloucester History Festival
Sunny August Bank Holiday Meeting
GB4GLM at Gloucester Life Museum
Wet Bank Holiday on Crickley Hill
Gloucester Cathedral Operating
Presentations at the AGM, September 2016
August Bank Holiday Operating 2016
95 year old Edna Garbutt gave a talk on "My life at Bletchley"
Late May Bank Holiday 2016 Crickley Hill
May Bank Holiday 2016 Crickley Hill
Boxing Day activities for some...
GB4RIG at the Gloucester Folk Museum
August Bank Holiday 2015 Crickley Hill
G4CIB Operating Mobile in Style
May Bank Holiday 2015 Crickley Hill